Things you need:
1 loaf of white bread
1 onion
6 ribs of celery
2 cups of parsley
1.5 sticks of butter
5 eggs
1 cup of water
1 tsp salt + .5 tsp pepper
1) tear the loaf of bread into small pieces
2) chop up the parsley & add it in with the bread
3) chop onions & celery
4) sautee with butter

5) cool with 1 cup of water
6) mix the onions + celery in with the bread + parsley
7) add eggs + salt & pepper
8) mix it all together
9) bake at like 350 or something for like 45 minutes maybe? not sure i don't really pay attention, but when it's done you'll know. :) mmm.

thanksgiving: finished stuffing at the top of my plate.